從舊約傳講基督 =

桂丹諾 (Greidanus, Sidney) 1935-

從舊約傳講基督 = Preahing Christ from the Old Testament: a contemporary hermeneeutical method / Preahing Christ from the Old Testament a contemporary hermeneeutical method 桂丹諾(Sidney Greidanus)原著;陳永財譯 - 初版 - South Pasadena, CA 美國麥種傳道會 2015年[民104年] - 515面 21公分 - Illumination .

附錄: 一, 由經文到講章的步驟 -- 二, 一篇解經講章的模型

9781939251299 NTD537

Jesus Christ--Person and offices
Bible. O.T.--Homiletical use

BS1191.5 / .G74 2015c

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