Analytical concordance to the Holy Bible :

Young, Robert

Analytical concordance to the Holy Bible : containing about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek originals with the literal meaning and pronunciation of each ; also index lexicons to the Old and New Testaments, being a guide to parallel passages ; and a complete list of scripture proper names containing about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek originals with the literal meaning and pronunciation of each ; also index lexicons to the Old and New Testaments, being a guide to parallel passages ; and a complete list of scripture proper names Robert Young - 8th ed - Guildford, UK United Society for Christian Literature c 1939 - 28cm

includes: Scripture proper names , List of scripture proper names (p.1-23),

0718800214 gift 9780718800215 gift

Bible--Concordances, English
Greek language, Biblical --Dictionaries--English

Ref BS425 / .Y68 1939

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